
Chef Pepín featured in AARP Magazine

Chef Pepín featured in AARP Magazine as he talks about his ‘one-way-ticket’ to America. Immigrating to any country can be a very challenging experience for anyone. It’s a journey to the unknown and requires a lot of adjustments. I think there is a difference between being an immigrant and an exile. I came to the United States from Cuba as …

Chef Pepín celebrates #OrgullosoDeSer Latino with Coca-Cola

Chef Pepín celebrated the start of National Hispanic Heritage month by cooking a traditional latin favorite and one of his specialty dishes, arroz con pollo. Alongside his family and Despierta América colleague, Ximena Cordoba, he shared an intimate cultural family moment as part of the Coca-Cola #OrgullosoDeSer campaign, which celebrates Latin culture with Spanish names on their iconic red and …

Chef Pepín featured in Wall Street Journal’s Univision IPO article

When the Wall Street Journal recently wrote about the upcoming Univision IPO, they selected a photo of Chef Pepín leading his famous “conga line” to depict it. This is no coincidence, as Chef Pepín is among the top Latin chefs in the US and has been a pioneer in educating the world about the rich flavors of Latin cuisine. View …

About Chef Pepín

There is no other face, name and style associated with Latino foods and cooking in US Hispanic television than Chef Pepin. His mass appeal took his brand off-camera to become a true personality with celebrity status in the national Latino community from LA to NY.

Defining the American dream, Chef Pepin is self-made, innovative, talented and driven. These qualities, along with his quick humor, his unmatched charisma and down-to-earth approach to cooking, won the hearts of Latin audiences everywhere.

With his trademark chef’s hat and winning smile, Chef Pepín has been boosting on-air ratings for over two decades. His weekly segments on Spanish television’s #1 Morning show, Despierta América, (seen on more than 690 broadcast and cable stations in two continents), are highly coveted by Madison Ave.

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Caldo de Camarón
Caldo de Camarón
Votes: 6
Rating: 4.17
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  • 12 tazas agua (3 litros)
  • 2 oz polvo de camarón
  • 8 oz camarón seco mediano, previamente remojado en agua caliente
  • 4 ramas epazote
  • 2 hojas laurel
  • 1 rama tomillo
  • 3 papas en cubos medianos
  • 3 zanahorias, en cubos medianos
  • 2 lbs camarón mediano, limpio
Para el caldillo
  • ¼ cebolla
  • 3 dientes ajo
  • 1 tomate
  • 8 chiles guajillo, sin semillas
  • Sal y pimienta negra al gusto
Para acompañar
  • Pan baguette en rebanadas
  • limon
  • Juego de cuchillos con bloque
  • 12 tazas agua (3 litros)
  • 2 oz polvo de camarón
  • 8 oz camarón seco mediano, previamente remojado en agua caliente
  • 4 ramas epazote
  • 2 hojas laurel
  • 1 rama tomillo
  • 3 papas en cubos medianos
  • 3 zanahorias, en cubos medianos
  • 2 lbs camarón mediano, limpio
Para el caldillo
  • ¼ cebolla
  • 3 dientes ajo
  • 1 tomate
  • 8 chiles guajillo, sin semillas
  • Sal y pimienta negra al gusto
Para acompañar
  • Pan baguette en rebanadas
  • limon
  • Juego de cuchillos con bloque
Caldo de Camarón
Votes: 6
Rating: 4.17
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  1. En la Olla de 6 cuartos , poner a hervir el agua, polvo de camarón, camarón seco (remojado en agua caliente), epazote, laurel y tomillo, a fuego medio alto.
  2. Para el caldillo, en la Olla de 1.5 cuartos, agregar los ingredientes con 1 taza de agua y cocinar a fuego medio, alrededor de tres minutos o hasta que se vean suaves.
  3. Dejar enfriar antes de licuar los ingredientes del caldillo, colar si desea y verter a la Olla de 6 cuartos. Sazonar con sal y pimienta a gusto, agregar las papas y zanahorias hasta que ablanden.
  4. Casi al servir, agregar los camarones limpios y cocinar a fuego mediano alto hasta que los camarones se vean rosados y Cocinados.
Recipe Notes
Sugerencias del Chef Pepín: Prefiero procesar el camarón seco en casa en vez de comprarlos ya molido.
Antes de licuar el caldillo cerciórese que los ingredientes estén completamente frescos para que no salten al abrir la licuadora y nunca cocinar los camarones frescos por mucho tiempo, mientras más se cocina mas endurecen.
Servir con pan y limón o sobre arroz o pasta.
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